Trina&Friends Founder Shares Thoughts on the Economy

It is 3:07am here in Chicago, Illinois USA

I feel compelled to share thoughts with you from time to time
on what we learn here at Trina&Friends from all of you,
and how the current state of our world
will affect the marketplace as we move forward.

As I read some of your blogs or posts in various forums periodically,
there seems to be a peppering of angst. Sales are down currently.
The buyer discretionary income is constrained.

If we spin our outlook on the matter, we will find opportunity instead of anxiety.

What will the buyer need during this era? When our men go off to war, our
skirt hems lengthen. When there is a depression, commodity prices go up.
Right now, the rich are getting richer. The poor and middle class are struggling.

Figure out which market you will cater to, find out what they need and then fulfill it.

This is also a time when we can capitalize on the value of relationships
and the spirit of giving. This is a time to increase our level of wisdom-
it rests in the stacks in the library, in dialogue on the street at craft fairs
and through the seasoned stories of our grandmothers

who forged through the Women's movement and the Civil Rights era.

If they overcame, so can we.

We will get through this.

Stronger. Better. Wiser.

This season in world history will show mankind what really matters.

If we can learn how to abase as well as abound, to find joy in having
little made with loving hands rather than running a race
for empty treasures, we will progress immeasurably as
the human race.

I am using this time to spend more time at the throne of God,
in the warm environment of unconditional friends and family
and more time getting to know you and the needs of our customers.

We here at Trina&Friends look forward to your personal touches
as we move forward with the restructure.

We are grateful for your faith and support.

K.D. Entzminger