Trina&Friends Book Club: "The Rise of the Creative Class"

~Introducing the Trina&Friends Book Club~

Yes, fellow T&F'ers... we are here to enlighten and inspire you as well.

You are part of our vision and part of what makes Trina&Friends special.

Therefore, we invest in the intellectual capital of our community...
knowledge is power! And we want you empowered.
The first book we recommend is Richard Florida's The Rise of the Creative Class.

This book examines creativity and its effects on economic development.

We think this is a great book to kick off the Trina&Friends Book Club for 2 reasons:

1. YOU are part of the Creative Class
2. YOU should be aware of future trends and global direction and how YOU effect them

So feel free to have a seat, add honey to a nice cup of Yerba Mate, and view the video...
it's a bit lengthy but interesting.

We'll review this book and share thoughts in the T&F blog in July.

Happy Summer Reading...